





子どもを持つことに興味がある初めての方も、以前に参加されたことのある方も、1人でもカップルでも参加はOK!! 性別もセクシュアリティも問いません。 男性の方も毎回参加されていますので、どうぞお気軽にお申込みください♪

わたしたち【こどまっぷ】は全国にいる「これから子どもが欲しい」と思う、又「既に子どもがいる」 LGBTQや、それを応援するアライの方など、LGBTQの子どもいる未来を応援する団体です。 kodomap.org

LGBTQ Family Picnic

Would you like to go to a picnic with LGBTQ parents and kids? Or would you like to learn about how to have an LGBTQ family in Japan?

The LGBTQ Family Picnic is a place where people who want children and people who have children can connect. Whether you are single, dating or friends, and whether you currently have children, want to have kids or want to show support - all are welcome!

You don’t need to fit into any mold to come - all sexualities and genders are welcomed, and men who are interested are strongly encouraged to attend.

We are ‘kodomap’ - a group that supports the future of LGBTQ families by assisting LGBTQ people with having children.

If you have questions or concerns about having children in Japan, our staff will listen!

  • There is a possibility that TV, newspapers, etc. will be interviewing on the day. Please note in advance that we will make every effort to ensure that the individual participants will not be identified, but cannot guarantee.

イベント名 ファミリーピクニック
Family Picnic
開催日時 4月30日(日) 11:00-13:30
イベントWebサイト https://www.kokuchpro.com/event/kdmfamilypicnic2023/
参加方法/会場 新宿御苑
参加費(円) 無し
定員(人) 200
対象 セクシュアリティ制限無し
事前申込の必要性 事前申込必須
主催 こどまっぷ


LGBTQ セクマイ アウトドア ライフ
